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Covid Hair loss? Tips on how to grow healthy hair.

Updated: Nov 6, 2022

The end of mandatory masks and the return to relative normality is gradually putting these two years of pandemic behind us. However, the Coronavirus is still with us, as are many of its effects. In the last few months, there has been an increase in consultations from patients concerned about sudden and abundant hair loss. The good news is that this problem is not definitive but has a solution. Today we will explain how to combat hair loss caused by covid.

Why does covid cause hair loss?

First, it is essential to understand why this virus causes such severe hair loss. According to several studies conducted worldwide, stress and inflammation associated with covid-19 may be behind the problem because what hundreds of thousands of people experience once they overcome the disease is acute telogen effluvium. This is accelerated hair loss and is closely related to stress.

In this regard, it is essential to know that hair goes through a cycle that repeats over and over throughout life: Hair Growth is cyclical.

Anagen phase.

90% of a hair's lifespan is spent in the Anagen phase, usually lasting between two and six years. During this time, each hair grows about one centimeter per month.

Catagen phase

This is the phase in which hair rests and stops growing. About 10% Of the hair on the body and scalp will be in the resting Catagen phase.

Telogen phase

This is the final phase that closes the cycle and starts a new one. At this point, hair falls out, allowing new hair to grow. This process usually lasts about three months in total.

According to new studies, people that have overcome Covid19 show signs of stress. The telogen phase is believed to be activated by stress, and it is unclear if Covid19 activates the Telogen phase or if situational stress is to blame. The symptoms usually begin to be noticed about three months after the onset of the virus. More studies point to cellular stress and generalized inflammatory response hair follicles are affected. In response, the hair growth phase stops, and the hair ends up falling out.

Covid hair loss is not definitive.

Although such a sudden and pronounced hair loss can be frightening, it is important to know that in the vast majority of cases, it is reversible, i.e., the hair loss stops in 2-3 months, and the follicles will return to the anagen growth phase. This is because the affected follicles have not been destroyed. In other words, once the hair falls out, a new cycle will start again, and new hair will be born. Therefore once again, entering the anagen phase.

However, seeing a dermatologist at the first signs of acute telogen effluvium is essential. We must not forget that this is a pathology and, as such, it must be diagnosed and treated to prevent it from worsening or becoming chronic.

Once the diagnosis has been made, it will be the dermatologist who will indicate how to act. Some of the advice that is usually given to patients with this problem include:

  • Eat a healthy and balanced diet that contains all the necessary nutrients.

  • Do not abandon ongoing treatments.

  • Do not stop washing or brushing your hair for fear of hair loss.

  • Do not self-medicate or rely on advice circulating on the Internet, as it can be counterproductive.

Fill your nutrient needs to grow Healthier hair.

Supplements may aid by complementing your diet and filling nutritional gaps.

Biotin, also known as vitamin H, is well known for helping the body produce adequate keratin, which is vital to hair health.

Sulfur is a 'beauty' mineral that may reduce inflammation and increase the longevity of the hair growth phase. Sulfur is also considered an antioxidant as it inhibits oxidation and prevents cell damage.

Hyaluronic acid: dermatologist Dr. Paradi Mirmirani compares hyaluronic acid to fertilizer since it can potentially increase hair growth and strand diameter.

MSM: Taking MSM is thought to help hair grow thicker and faster. It assists the body in making collagen and keratin. The hair fiber is composed of keratin, and MSM helps to produce collagen, and collagen strengthens the hair fibers. Collagen also leads to thicker hair by increasing the diameter of each individual hair strand. Many people experience improved hair growth after just a few weeks.

It is a good idea to reach out to a nutritionist to evaluate your diet to help identify potential nutrient deficiencies.

Looking for a hair growth supplement?

Beauty HiSecret by HiBody has a proprietary blend of ingredients. Beauty HiSecret contains Biotin, Hydrolyzed collagen, MSM, and Sulfur. This powerful blend of natural nutrients helps fight the effects of cellular aging and oxidation caused by destructive conditions such as pollution, UV rays, stress, and poor diet.

Having radiant hair, healthy and youthful skin, and strong and flexible nails is possible with Beauty HiSecret. Its formula contains Biotin, Hydrolyzed Collagen, and Hyaluronic Acid, among other ingredients. It is specially formulated to support thos

e age-revealing areas in terms of younger appearance.

HiCoffee is another excellent option. This tasty Caramel and Capuccino flavored beverage dissolves readily in water, hot or cold. HiCoffee has Hydrolized Collagen to combat wear and tear on our bodies, providing the body (and brain) with natural energy all day long. HiCoffee Helps prevent sluggishness, MCT: Each scoop has delicious coconut cream full of MCT oil. This helps slow protein absorption, so your body uses it for recovery instead of converting it to glucose. This one-of-a-kind beverage features Reishi mushrooms, vitamins, minerals, and much more.



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